Ichiro Japanese Restaurant Featured

Steveston, where many Japanese Canadians live, is a harbour village with lots of fresh seafood available. Our restaurant has served fresh seafood and traditional Japanese cuisine since 2006 in Steveston village. We hope you enjoy our marvelous Japanese food. Thank you! 日系人が多く住むスティーブストンは新鮮な魚介類が豊富な港町です。私共のレストランでは2006年より、このスティーブストン漁村にて、新鮮なシーフードと伝統的な日本食を提供させていただいております。どうぞ、ごゆっくりお楽しみくださいませ。


Established in 2006.

Our restaurant has served fresh seafood and traditional Japanese cuisine since 2006 in Steveston village.

Second Language
Happy Hour Day
  • Tuesday
Happy Hour Time
  • 12:00AM - 15:00AM
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